The following describes the process of importing a DWG or DXF file which has at least one paper space layout, which in turn contains a drawing border and/or client specific title boxes with legends and logo's etc... into n4ce so that a template can be generated from it for a specific sheet size.
- Select the CAD folder in n4ce, right click it and choose Import, now navigate ans select the file to open. Or, drag and drop the appropriate CAD file into the n4ce project manager. Once selected either route will display a similar dialog to that below.
Points to note are- The Units match those CAD file was drawn in.
- The option Import Layouts option is ticked.
- Once loaded the CAD file will create two new items in the n4ce project manager. One will be a new CAD model, and the other(s) will be new Drawing(s) for each paper space layout within the imported CAD file. So if there were layouts for sheets of size A1, A2 and A3. Then three similar drawings would be added to the Drawings branch of the project manager.
- Clicking on and viewing the drawing, PLOT200 in this case will show the CAD model Unity Way plotted on a sheet within the confines of a view port.
- Now that we have the title box on screen we need to change all the text that is likely to change from job to job to something easily identifiable and editable. To do this goto the Text menu and come down to Modify Words and then click on each item of text that needs to be generic. In most cases we suggest adding XXXXX where necessary.
Essentially anything with XXX etc... in needs to be edited before the drawing is ready for export.
When all the necessary items of text have been changed, we also need to make sure that any symbols/blocks are exploded so that the drawing template does not reference an object that may not be loaded into future n4ce projects. To do this, goto the Symbols menu and come down to Explode. Set the picking mode to Rectangle and rectangle the entire drawing until n4ce beeps to indicate no more symbols were found.
Having edited the text and exploded any symbols close the view to get back to the project manager. - Now that the drawing has been "neutralised" we can make it into a Template by right clicking it in the project manager and selecting Save Template. Now give the template a suitable name, ideally referencing the size of the sheet.
- The template can then be used under the Partitions Menu in either a CAD or Model interface. Or straight from the Drawings folder, by right clicking it and selecting New Template.
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