AiC offers optional, annual maintenance with our n4ce perpetual licences. The maintenance covers access to n4ce software updates and new versions, access to Technical Support as and when needed and access to the Client Area of the AiC Website.
The maintenance period runs from the 1st of October through to the 30th of September each year and is renewed on an annual basis.
Our Annual Renewable licences are supplied with the maintenance included, for the term of the licence lease.
New Clients
The maintenance is included for 1 full year, with a new client perpetual licence purchase. When the first year is drawing to a close, an email will be sent to the purchaser, inviting them to continue with the maintenance. A Pro-rata invoice will be issued, detailing the costs to continue with the maintenance up to the next renewal date. New clients will then be in line with existing clients and will receive their maintenance renewal details annually.
Existing Clients
Around June time each year, an email will be sent to all maintenance clients. This email will contain the following:
- Annual SC Payment Form - This will need to be completed and returned to AiC
- A Maintenance Schedule - This illustrates the net charges for renewing the maintenance, for any perpetual licences
- Confirmation of when the actual Maintenance Invoice will be issued
- Details of the current Maintenance charges for each n4ce version, along with how discounts are applied if applicable
- Settlement Discount - If applicable, an early settlement discount of 10% may be available if payment is received before 31st October
- Purchase Orders - A request to ensure purchase orders are raised as soon as possible, to enable AiC to invoice with the correct details
- Methods of Payment - Details of all the different methods that can be used to pay the Maintenance invoice. Please note that Credit/Debit card payments over the phone are no longer accepted
- User Account - Details of our Client Area within the AiC website
- Invoicing - Invitation to request a copy of the Maintenance invoice when issued to nominated invoice processing departments
During Mid-August, a reminder email will be sent out, requesting that any purchase orders not yet raised in readiness for invoices, should be done so as soon as possible to avoid any delays with processing.
Early September will see the issue of the Maintenance invoices, which will be emailed to the nominated accounts people. The invoice and a second copy of the Maintenance schedule will be attached, along with all the details required to make the payment.
Details of any early payment discounts available will be detailed in the box to the bottom left of the invoice, as per the example below.
Please Note: Since HMRC has changed the treatment of VAT on settlement discount invoices from 1st April 2015, you will find that the VAT on the invoice is calculated in full. If you take the prompt payment discount, a credit note will then be issued to account for the discount and therefore amend the VAT accordingly.
Should you wish to cancel the Maintenance, please inform AiC at your earliest convenience.
AiC will then update the licence records accordingly and "black" any perpetual licences, no longer covered by Maintenance. "Blacking" a licence means it can no longer be updated with any new n4ce service releases or new versions. The licence will still function as normal, but it will be blocked at the n4ce version in use at the time of cancellation. Access to Technical support will also be withdrawn, along with access to the Client Area of our website.
Reinstatement of Maintenance
The maintenance can be reinstated on n4ce perpetual licences at any time. This involves replacing the un-maintained licences, with new, up-to-date licences. Should you wish to reinstate the maintenance, the following process will be adhered to.
Please contact AiC by using any of the methods shown below, detailing which Licence(s) you would like to reinstate the Maintenance for:
By Telephone: 01509504501
By Email:
By Website (Contact Form/Live Chat):
By Social Media: Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram
AiC will provide a quotation to reinstate the maintenance (See Also AiC Quotations), and once the price of the reinstatement has been accepted, an order number, invoice reference or email of intent to purchase will be requested. AiC can not complete an order without one of the above.
When the order number, invoice reference or email has been received, 45-day temporary software licences will be issued for use, until full payment has been received and any old un-maintained licences are returned to AiC (where applicable).
Our invoice will be sent by email and will contain the details for payment by BACS. Alternatively, the orange Pay Now button to the bottom right of the invoice can be used, which is a link to process online card payments. Card payments are no longer accepted over the telephone.
Upon receipt of payment and any old licences (where applicable), the replacement licence(s) will be issued. If a Cloud Licence or Software Licence has been ordered instead of a USB Dongle, an email will be sent, containing instructions and the activation key for the new, up-to-date licence(s).
If a USB Dongle has been ordered, this will be prepared and dispatched via Royal Mail's Special Delivery Service. An email will be sent to the purchaser, to confirm the USB dongle's dispatch and details of its arrival date and approximate time. Special delivery Packages will need signing for.
In summary:
- Inform AiC of which perpetual licence(s) are to have the maintenance reinstated
- AiC will provide a quotation for the reinstatement
- Requester to provide Order Number, Invoice Reference or Email of intent to purchase
- AiC issues 45-day temporary software Licence key(s)
- AiC issues an invoice for payment
- Once payment and any old, un-maintained licences(s) received, the new n4ce licence(s) will be issued /dispatched
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