n4ce is available in 3 different versions; n4ce Lite, n4ce Professional and n4ce Designer. These versions can be upgraded, except for Designer, as and when required.
More information on the differing functionality between the n4ce versions is available on our website: https://appsincadd.co.uk/products/
When upgrading n4ce licences, the following process will be adhered to.
Contact AiC using any of the methods detailed below, to request an upgrade. Please confirm which n4ce licence is to be upgraded, which licence format is required (USB, Cloud or Software licence) and which n4ce version the licence is to be upgraded to.
By Telephone: 01509504501
By Email: enquiries@appsincadd.co.uk
By Website (Contact Form/Live Chat): https://appsincadd.co.uk/contact-us/
By Social Media: Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram
AiC will provide a quotation to upgrade your current licence to the chosen version (See Also AiC Quotations). Once the price of the licence upgrade has been accepted, an order number, invoice reference or email of intent to purchase will be requested. AiC can not complete an order without one of the above.
When the order number, invoice reference or email has been received, a 45-day temporary software licence will be issued for use (if applicable), until full payment has been received and the licence(s) to be upgraded are returned to AiC.
Our invoice will be sent by email and will contain the details for payment by BACS. Alternatively, the orange Pay Now button to the bottom right of the invoice can be used, which is a link to process online card payments. Card payments are no longer accepted over the telephone.
Upon receipt of payment and the old licence(s), the upgraded licence(s) will be issued. If a cloud licence or software licence has been ordered instead of the USB Dongle, an email will be sent, containing instructions and the activation key for the new licence.
If a USB Dongle has been ordered, this will be prepared and dispatched via Royal Mail's Special Delivery Service. An email will be sent to the purchaser, to confirm the USB dongle's dispatch and details of its arrival date and approximate time. Special delivery Packages will need signing for.
In summary:
- Inform AiC of intent to upgrade, which version is required and which current licence(s) is to be upgraded
- AiC will provide a quotation for the upgrade(s)
- Requester to provide Order Number, Invoice Reference or Email of intent to purchase
- AiC issues a 45-day temporary software Licence key (if applicable)
- AiC issues an invoice for payment
- Once payment and old licences(s) are received by AiC, the new n4ce licence(s) will be issued/dispatched
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