It is often necessary to compare two sets of coordinates. This could check design positions with surveyed or as-built positions or for monitoring of structures. The Compare options allow you to do this and assume that you are viewing a model containing the surveyed points. When using these options, n4ce needs to find the point in the design model that corresponds to each point in the as-built model and there are three options.
Number=The point numbers are the same.
Code=The point codes are the same.
Both=The point numbers and the point codes are both the same.
If there is more than one point in the design model that could be used, the first point will be used.
You will be asked to select the design model with which to compare the surveyed points. This is carried out using the normal DTM select dialog box. This will have three checkboxes:
These allow you to add dimensions to each point which contain the offsets between the surveyed and design points in millimetres. After the design model has been chosen, a report window is displayed containing the comparison information.
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