Note this article assumes that n4ce has FIRST been installed manually on the Server, and the network software key applied to it. Otherwise, the license will not be available for the client installs to point towards.
Normally a software license is applied to the server via the n4ce License Manager app, which can apply the V2C file provided by Applications in CADD Ltd.
Silent/quiet mode
To install n4ce via the n4ce.msi file in silent mode, you must first open cmd (Command Prompt) with administrator privileges.
Following this, enter the following command:
msiexec /i "c:\path\to\package.msi" /quiet /qn
- /i = installs the MSI product.
- /quiet and /qn = No UI during the installation.
Setting up the EXE
Because n4ce can be licensed via a USB dongle or a software key, the correct files need to be copied into the n4ce Program folder after the silent installation completes. This process is normally undertaken with a custom app that is called once the general installation is complete. But because it has been installed silently, then that is not going to happen.
This article assumes n4ce is going to be controlled via a software license. So the following files in the folder "C:\Program Files\Applications in Cadd\n4ce 4.30\Program\LDK Files" need to be copied back one to the "C:\Program Files\Applications in Cadd\n4ce 4.30\Program" folder
Files to copy:
- EnConst.dll
- haspvlib_2139866.dll
- n4ce.exe
- n4ceRB.exe
Creating the registry key
A registry key is also required to tell n4ce which Software License to use. n4ce is controlled via the Sentinel HASP LDK protection system which is used by many other software packages as well. So we need to identify the particular software key n4ce needs to use. Open the registry editor and go to the following file path "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Applications in Cadd\n4ce". From here we need to create the "Haspid" Key so n4ce knows which license to use. Right-click and select New --> String Value.
The string value that needs to be entered can be found by running the n4ce License Manager on the SERVER hosting the network license. Once the V2C has been applied to the Server.
Aggressive search for the license
Via the back end Web interface, two settings need to be made on each client PC running n4ce. These are required so that the license engine knows where to go looking for the Key identified in the registry settings above.
1. First, select this link.
The following screen will appear...
2. Ensure that aggressive search is enabled.
3. Enter the IP Address of the server in the dialog box below (Where the license is located).
4. Select Submit for the aggressive search to begin.
That will make the following changes to the file hasplm.ini in the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP"
Obviously, the server address needs to be set according to your server's address.
broadcastsearch = 1
aggressive = 1
serversearchinterval = 30
serveraddr =
Note: Please check that port 1947 isn't blocked - Firewalls may need to be configured accordingly if this is the case.
- Open Windows Firewall by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Security, and then clicking Windows Firewall.
- Click Allow a program through Windows Firewall. ...
- Click Add Port.
5. The network license should appear in the license manager. It has been known to take 5 minutes.
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