In n4ce 4.30 and above a new option has been introduced when inserting points called Clipboard Wait. This allows users to select copy data in any other program and it will automatically be inserted into the n4ce model.
Using Clipboard Wait
To do this open/create a new model and select Points --> Insert. The standard points insert window will appear. We can now press "Clipboard Wait" as highlighted below.
The Clipboard Data section is where we have a few options to configure how the Data is going to be brought into n4ce.
- Use CSV Filter: This means that it will bring in the data according to your customised filter which can be customised by selecting the three dots.
- Data from MS Excel: This needs to be checked if the data is from Excel as it will temporarily change the separator to a Tab. However, if your filter is set up to use Tab then it won't affect the outcome.
We now need to Select Use a CSV Filter and press the three dots. A new window will appear which allows you to filter the data which is going to be used by n4ce. To do this please press "Edit", and a similar window will appear with arrows between available and selected sections. To use a specific Data type E.g. Code ensure you have moved it from the left side to the right using the middle arrows ">". In addition to this, the Up and Down buttons allow you to change the order in which the data is seen. Selected order needs to match the order of data.
- Remember Code: Is used to remember the Code from the previous reading(s) if it is missing.
- Headers: Adds the names of the columns to the top of the data when exported.
- Skip Lines: Set to 1 of the imported file has a single line at the top describing the column names. Or larger if there is a large header block at the top of the file.
- Separator: When importing or exporting data files we can indicate the separator.
- Extension: When new data is imported, the extension for the filter is the extension for the file.
Following this, once the Import has been configured we can now select OK to each window. In the bottom left you will now be prompted "Press a mouse button to stop clipboard import". This means the function is active and we can now open the data E.g. Excel and press "CTRL + C" or "Right-Click -> Copy". The data should now appear within n4ce.
Please Note: Even if a Column is blank this still needs to be included within the CSV Filter.
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