When generating new points, several options are available to assign a height to these points, as follows.
Assigned - Some CAD data is 3D in that the vertexes of each element have been assigned a valid height. This option allows you to use these heights for the new points.
Null - Assigns no height to the point making it a 2D point.
Datum Height - This will assign the height contained in the Datum Height field of the dialog displayed at the start of the generating process
Model Interpolation - This will interpolate the height from a given DTM selected in the Reference Model field, or a selected Point Cloud. If Point Cloud is selected options will be made available to choose the Highest, Lowest or Average point within a given search radius. If no point is located, the point will be given a null level.
Above Model - As above, however, the level will be offset by the value given in the Relative Height field that will become active if this option is selected.
Text Value - This option is only available when generating points from text. The height that is assigned will be the value that is displayed by the text.
Text Extract - This option is only available when generating points from text. The height that is assigned can be extracted from the text. For instance, if the text displays FFL=20.5m(AOD), the value assigned to the point would be 20.5. This has been updated so, for instance, S.S.L.=+123.456 will now return 123.456 rather than 0.0 because of the first decimal.
Closest Text - This option will search all the CAD information to find the closest item of text that can have a height extracted from it. If there is more than one CAD model in the backcloth, only the text strings in the same CAD model as that of the object used to generate points will be used.
DTM Trend - The will interpolate the height from the DTM Trend of the DTM selected in the Reference DTM field.
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