When an item of point annotation is changed, an override for this change is saved in the point data record. The Modify Reset option will generate a short pop-up menu giving two options for resetting annotation to the settings defined by the code prefix for the point. The Indicate option allows you to remove all such overrides for a given item of annotation at points using the current pick mode. The Feature option allows you to reset annotation on an indicated line feature.
The Modify Delete options will generate a short pop-up menu giving two options for disabling the display of annotation. The Indicate option allows you to specify which points are to have annotation disabled using the current pick mode. The Feature option allows you to delete the annotation from an indicated line feature.
The Modify Move option allows you to move an item of annotation to a new location. This could be because there are two or more items of overlapping annotation. You are asked to indicate the annotation points with the mouse and a preview box of the annotation will be displayed. Move the preview box to an appropriate location and press the left mouse button.
Before Move |
During Move |
After Move |
The Modify Position option allows you to move annotation to new pre-defined positions around the points. When selected, the pop-up menu below will be displayed.
The option Top Left will move the annotation so that it is displayed above and to the left of the point. This option is only valid for normal annotation where no rotation has been applied and obeys the current pick mode.
The Restore option allows you to restore annotation that has been disabled or turned off when it has been committed to the CAD model. This option obeys the current pick mode. Note that if you are modifying heights and have the Dot on Delete option checked, the override for the point style is also removed from the point and the display of the point will revert to that defined by the point’s code prefix. Any other overrides that were applied before the annotation was disabled, such as a move, are retained.
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