The From options on the menu allow users to generate data from an assortment of CAD elements, as indicated by the appropriate option. After they have specified the parameters in the dialog, they will be asked to indicate the CAD elements to use. The options follow the current pick mode setting so they will either be asked to indicate a CAD element, sketch a rectangle containing the CAD elements to use or confirm that they want to generate points from the elements that are selected in each CAD model.
The From Elements option allows you to generate points from any type of CAD element apart from Symbols. The other options are specific to the type of CAD elements in their titles. When generating from lines, the gap comma code is applied where there are gaps in the CAD lines.
Note: Using this function will not generate points from Symbols, you will need to use the 'Generate points from Symbols' function in the drop-down box.
The Circles/Arcs/Ellipses group allows you to refine the way in which points are generated from circles, arcs and ellipses as follows.
Circumferences - This will generate points along the circumferences of these shapes. It will always generate a point at each quadrant point that is included with the element and will follow the maximum distance setting. For arcs, the ends of the arcs or elliptical arcs will also be included.
Centres - This will only generate points at the centre of these objects. This is useful where all you have for a circular feature is the circle itself. Lamp posts, telegraph poles, and piling plans are examples of ways you could use this option. If the code you are using refers to a single-point circular shape feature, the appropriate dimension for radius, diameter or circumference will be added to the point.
Points will be generated from symbols at any handles on the symbol. If a symbol has been scaled or rotated, the appropriate dimensions will be added to its point.
The options are highlighted in the picture below:
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