The Elements menu provides tools to edit and transform selected entities. The options are as follows.
- Delete: Removes selected objects from a CAD Model or Drawing.
- Move: Moves selected objects from a CAD Model or Drawing. The direction of the move is dictated by the current Draw Mode.
- Copy: copies selected objects from a CAD Model or Drawing. The direction of the copy is dictated by the current Draw Mode.
- Repeats: duplicates selected objects using the Relative Draw Mode and the number of repeats set in the Edit Parameters dialog.
- Scale: re-scales selected objects from a CAD Model or Drawing. The magnitude of the scale is dictated by the Scale field in the Edit Parameters dialog. When scaling the centre of scaling must first be identified before the scaling can occur.
- Stretch: moves selected nodes and or objects in a specified direction. This can be useful when wanting to stretch one side of a rectangle or Section box.
In general, this mirrors objects about a given line. Hold the CTRL key down if the selected entities should be copied simultaneously. Note that Symbols can currently not be mirrored.
- Segment: Mirrors user-selected objects about a given line segment.
- Points: Mirrors selected objects about a line described by indicating two locations in the CAD or Drawing screen.
- Horizontal: Mirrors objects horizontally using a given location as the datum for the mirror.
- Vertical: Mirror objects vertically using a given location as the datum for the mirror.
- Arbitrary: rotates selected objects about an arbitrary origin, start and end point.
- Angle: rotates selected objects about an arbitrary origin, using a value stipulated in the Edit Parameters dialog.
- Point To Line: rotates selected objects about an arbitrary origin, so that a given start and end point are horizontal after the rotation completes.
Assigns a Z value to CAD entities. The current height can be entered in the field provided in the Edit Parameters dialog.
- Get: Sets the current Height field in the Edit Parameters dialog to the 3D level of a selected CAD object.
- Set: assigns the current Height to selected CAD objects.
- Interpolate: Drapes selected CAD objects over a given model.
- 2d: Gives selected CAD objects a 0 height.
- Crop: Crops the current CAD model or Drawing so that its extents are contained within a given selection rectangle. Anything outside the rectangle is cut off at the edge of the rectangle.
- Punch: This function reverses previously cropped elements and makes a perfect hole in the current CAD model or Drawing defined by a given selection rectangle.
- Copy: Copies selected CAD objects in a Backcloth, into the current CAD model or Drawing onto the current layer.
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