The Editing Tab allows the survey data in the view to be edited and or manipulated without needing to use the normal 2d Model View.
Note for some of these tools to work, the Points option needs to be enabled under the Home tab so that there are points drawn in the 3d view.
The available tools are...
Move - Allows an indicated point to be dragged to a new location. Additional tool options in the Tools pane allow for "Free Selection" to be enabled so the point can be re located anywhere, and not just to the location of an existing point. Also a "Lock Height" box allows the height of the point to remain fixed. Essentially making it a 2d function.
Delete - Removes an indicated point from the Model.
- Recode - Allows for the code of an indicated point to be changed.
- Move - Allows an indicated line feature to be dragged into a new position.
- Delete - Removes an indicated line feature from the model.
- Close\Open - Closes or Opens a line feature assuming it has three or more points.
- Join - Joins the end of one indicated feature to the end of another.
- Gap - Introduces a gap into the indicated segment of a feature. Note this is not the same a Break. The line still continues it just does not draw that segment.
- Recode - Changes the code of an indicated line feature to a given value.
- Break - Breaks a line feature at the indicated segment to leave two separate line features either side.
- Parallel - Provides tools to generate new parallel features based off an indicated line feature in the same manner as the tools of the same name in a Model view. Click here for more info on the Parallel tool.
- Curve - Provides tools to curve fit all or part of an indicated line feature in the same manner as the tools of the same name in a Model view. Click here for more info on the Curve tool.
- Tangent - Provides tools to control the curve fitting by introducing Tangents at the beginning and end of curves of an indicated line feature. This is the same manner as the tools of the same name in a Model view. Click here for more info on the Tangent tool.
- Straight - Provides tools to straighten all or part of an indicated line feature in the same manner as the tools of the same name in a Model view. Click here for more info on the Straight tool.
- ZigZag - Allows a feature digitised in a Zig-Zag or Saw Tooth fashion to be converted back into a set number of individual features. Click here for more info on the Zig-Zag tool.
- Densify - Uses the same Densify tool as in a 2d Model view to increase the number of points along an indicated Feature. Click here for more info on the Densify tool.
- Heights - Use this tool to interpolate the levels of an indicated Feature onto the current point cloud. The Lowest, Average or Highest levels can be selected from.
- Delete - Allows DTM Triangles to be deleted either by clicking on them directly, or by selecting the Strike option, triangles can be deleted by striking a clicked line through them.
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