Selecting Stations from the Settings menu in the Project Manager or any graphics view displaying survey data shows the following dialog.
Stations have their own set of defaults in that they are not drawn or configured by the codetable. However setting them up is done in a very similar way.
The first tab controls the point marker that is used to render a stations location. Here the layer, colour and point parameters are all configured.
The Symbol tab allows a Symbol\AutoCAD block to be used instead of or as well as the point marker. This provides the means to have more elaborate station decoration over and above the simple point styles. Note that the point can be turned off by setting the style to None leaving just the Symbol behind.
The Label tab controls whether or not the name of the Station is plotted on screen. If it is then this tab also allows labels attributes to be configured.
The last tab sets up any other text annotation that may be needed, as the Label tab just plots the name of the Station. The Text tab can be configured to plot everything else via text macros. The same text macros that are used extract and plot user definable data for normal detail points are also used to plot station coordinates and the like. Learn more about text macros here
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