Creating a DTM
The create options allow you to create the triangles that form a DTM. There are two
options which use the model points in slightly different ways.
This option will create triangles using the points and line features of
the model. The algorithm used is a constrained Delaunay algorithm
where triangles are formed to be as near equilateral as possible.
After each point on a line feature is introduced, n4ce will try and
force it into the DTM. This ensures that triangles follow surface
features, such as tops and bottoms of banks.
This option will create triangles using only the points of the model.
The algorithm used is a pure Delaunay algorithm where triangles
are formed to be as near equilateral as possible.
Note: That the Delaunay triangulation algorithm only works with the plan
position of the points and height values are ignored and that it is not possible to
model vertical faces.
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