Within n4ce we have built-in keyboard shortcuts to help improve workflow.
Lock Modes
F - Free E - End M - Mid N - Near X - Intersection C - Centre Q - Quadrant S - Symbol Handle O - Point K - Must Lock Z - Lock 3D
Pick Modes
Shift + E Element Shift + R Rectangle Shift + L List
Draw Modes
L - Locate R - Relative P - Polar B - Bearing W - World A - Axis Lock H - Horizontal V - Vertical
Alt + Z Fast Alt + C Centre Alt + E Extents Alt + I Zoom In Alt + O Zoom Out Alt + S Scale Alt + Y Co-ordinates Alt + F Factor
Alt + P Drag Pan Alt + W Window Pan ← Left → Right ↑ Up ↓ Down
Alt + L Last Alt + N Next Alt + R Redraw F5 Redraw Esc Abandon Redraw Alt + F8 Layers Alt + F9 Layer Overrides Alt + B Backcloths Ctrl + B Backcloth Status
Alt + T Tooltips Alt + H Hover + Crosshairs Hold "Shift" and click "<" Smaller Hold "Shift" and click ">" Larger
Menus and Commands
Space Repeat Last Alt + M Last Commands Shift+ F Favorites Shift + F Reset Favorites
Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo
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