The Radial options at the bottom of the menu allows you to commit the survey and/or control radials of a survey into the dedicated CAD backcloth of the current model. A survey radial is a line that joins the position of a survey set up to a point that was surveyed from that set up. A control radial is a line that joins the position of a survey set up to a control point, such as another station. After the required option has been selected, a dialog showing all the surveys in the current project are displayed is a dialog as shown below.
After you have selected a survey whose radials are to be committed, n4ce will generate the necessary line work. The radials for each set up will be places on their own layer with a name in the rom Radials A to B where A is the name of the station at which the instrument was set up and B is the name of the RO station. Each line will be set to have a solid layer using the pen of its layers. The first set up will have pen 1 assigned to it, the second will have pen 2 and so on. This allows you to easily identify the readings from a given setup.
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