The Perp Extend option is a pop-up menu that gives options to add a perpendicular segment to the end of line features. The pop-up menu is shown below. When extending features perpendicularly, you will initially be asked to specify the method of height calculation using the heights dialog box.
The End Point option allows you to add a perpendicular segment to the end of a line feature by sketching. You will be asked to indicate the end of the line feature to extend and the position of the new end point.
Before Perp Extend End Point |
After Perp Extend End Point |
The To Ref option allows you to add a perpendicular segment to the end of a line feature by extending the end point until it meets another reference line feature segment. You will be asked to indicate the end of the line feature to extend and then the line feature segment to which the extension is carried out. The co-ordinates of the intersection of the end segment and the indicated segment are then calculated. They are then either used to create a new point. Note that you can extend a line feature to a curved feature segment.
The To Shape option allows you to add a perpendicular segment to the end of a line feature by extending the end point until meets a shape feature. You will be asked to indicate the end of the line feature to extend and then the shape feature to which you wish to extend to.
The By Dist option allows you to add perpendicular segment of known length to the end of a line feature. After you have indicated the end of the feature to extend you will be asked to indicate the side on which the new point is to be added. A dialog to specify the length of the new perpendicular feature segment will be displayed.
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