The Segment option is a pop-up menu that gives access to various tools that allow you to manipulate individual line segments. The pop-up menu is shown below.
The Segment Intersection option allows a point to be generated at the intersection of two separate crossing line features. You will first be asked to indicate the two crossing segments. Once selected a dialog box will prompt for how the heights of the points should be calculated. Two optional check boxes allow for the point style to be removed, and the height to be set to null for both points or for the new points to have their point number prefixed with an I to indicate they were inserted manually.
The Segment Offset option allows you to insert a parallel segment into an existing feature. This can be useful when defining the outline of objects such as wall pillars or alcoves. Firstly, you will be asked to enter the parallel offset. You will then be asked to indicate the segment where the offset is to occur followed by the side on which the new segment is created. The height assigned to the new points will be copied from the initial segment heights.
Before Offset |
After Offset |
Before Corner |
After Corner |
The Segment Corner option allows you to insert a hidden corner into a feature using the assumption that the corner point is perpendicular to a known feature segment. You will first be asked to indicate the known segment followed by the adjacent segment into which the corner is to be inserted. The height assigned to the new point will be the same as the point at the end of the known segment next to the corner
The Segment Merge Fillet option allows you to insert a corner into a feature without the need to survey it. If we take the example below, it will be assumed that the direction of the line between the first and second points can be extended to meet the direction of the line between the third and fourth. You will be asked to indicate the “fillet” segment that is to be replaced by the new corner. You will then be asked how you wish to calculate the height.
Before Merge |
After Merge |
Before Perpendicular |
After Perpendicular |
The Auto Merge tool finds segments that if extended could meet to form a corner. If the angle between the segments is within a given tolerance of 90 degrees, then the connecting segments are removed, and the segments are extended until they meet. If the Move on Lengthen option is selected when using this tool, then the two points formally on either side of the corner are deleted to leave just one point per corner.
Before Auto Merge |
After Auto Merge |
The Segment Perpendicular option allows you to ensure that a given corner in a feature is perpendicular. You will be asked to indicate the segment to fix one side of the corner and then the adjacent segment which is out of alignment. The appropriate point will then be moved to produce a right-angled corner. If the segment to be moved is either the first or last segment on a feature, the point will be moved parallel to the fixed segment. If the segment is not the first or last, the point will be moved along the direction of the other segment of which it is part. From version 4.20c and above you can now select multiple segments when making another segment perpendicular.
The Segment Parallel option allows you to ensure that any segment on a feature is parallel to another. You will be asked to indicate the fixed segment and then the segment which you would like to make parallel. From version 4.20c and above you can now select multiple segments when making another segment parallel.
The Segment Parallel Mid Point option works in a similar fashion to the standard tool above. However, now both ends are moved to have the error about the mid point, rather than all of the change being applied to one end.
The Segment Project option allows you to insert existing single segment features into other features. This can be used to good effect with wall pillars. You are first asked to indicate the reference feature segment into which the projection is to take place followed by the single segment feature. A small dialog is then shown to control the heights of the new points before they are then perpendicularly projected onto the reference segment and included within the feature.
Before Project |
After Project |
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