Current State of Play
Normal use is a single code such as “KB1” with no spaces. Command codes are additional instructions and will always have a “-“ at the beginning.
With Extended Codes Enabled
You can attach multiple codes to a point and in this case and these are space delimited. An extra point with the new code is created. Where a wall ends and a fence begins, you could have “WL1 FE1”. It is possible to have more than two codes and the appropriate number of points will be created.
The Join Command - J
There are a series of command codes that can be set up by Trimble Access. One that was already supported was the join command which will join the current point to another point by number. This has the format “WL1 -J 1234” and will create a new duplicate of point number 1234 with a code of WL1. Note that the point needs to have already been surveyed. If the WL1 point is the first point surveyed on the feature, this duplicated point will become the first point and inserted before the current point in the coordinate block. If it is not the first point, the duplicated point is inserted after the current point.
Starting and Ending Curves
There are 4 commands that start and end curving.
- -TS starts curving with a tangent point
- -TE ends curving with a tangent point
- -CS starts curving without a tangent point
- -CE ends curving without a tangent point
Therefore, a code of “KB1 -TS” instructs n4ce to create a tangent point and to continue adding the curve comma code until it is instructed to end curving by either -TE or -CE.
Dimensions can be added in using a command code ending is D as follows. The code “FE1 -XD 1”, will create a dimension X=1 on the point. So, this is a paired command, similar to the join command, in the format “-nameD value”. This will give name=value as a dimension.
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