The following guide explains how to take a 4pt line and automatically convert in into steps.
How to survey
Take the example below. Note it's picked up top to bottom. This is very important as otherwise the steps will be generated incorrectly. Also its the tops of the steps that are picked up as these are simplest to survey with a detail pole.
In the Model view, select 4pt Steps from the Construction Tab\Menu and select the Line feature to use. The following window will appear.
The Steps section:
- Number of Steps: Sets the number of steps to be generated. It will initially be set to a guess based on the size of the selected feature and the Default Step width.
- Extra Top Step Tread: In the case the top step has a back to it, like a stone block would. This will generate that back line automatically.
- No Bottom Step Riser: In the case that the bottom of the first step is uneven, this option prevents it being generated so it can be picked as a standard feature separately.
The Parameters Section:
- Code: Sets the code of the points that are to be generated.
- Start Point Number: Allows the user to set the start point number, say to a range far outside the range of the normally surveyed points.
- Prefix Created Points: Adds an S to the start of the point number, so it's obvious later on that the points were generated by this tool.
The Defaults section:
- Step Width: Sets the default width used to guess at the total number of steps to generate.
- Offset: Sets the offset between the top and bottom of a step. At least 1mm is needed in order to model the steps as part of a DTM.
- Project to Reference: Inserts extra points into the side walls to aid better 3d modelling.
- Generate in 3d: Gives the steps their calculated levels rather than make them 2d.
- Delete Indicated: removes the template feature used to contain the steps.
Having made the appropriate selections press Ok. The new line work will be added to the model and cen then be modeled if required.
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