The ability to create Custom Folders in the n4ce Project Manager has been added in n4ce 4.30. The following document details how best to use them.
Custom folders allow Models, CAD, Drawings and Sections to be moved into Subfolders so that they can better be organised to be able to refer to them quickly and cleanly.
Take the following Project tree.
To try and help better organise the Project Tree we will introduce some custom subfolders. One to deal with the base data, and the others to hold each Revision of the design.
To start, right-click an existing item, eg a CAD Model, or a Survey Model, and choose "Send to Folder - Create Folder".
In the box provided, enter a new suitable Sub Folder name, and press Ok.
The Project tree will now update to show the selected item, moved off the main tree and placed into the new subfolder.
To then move any other items into the new custom folder, either drag and drop the items into it, or right-click the item and use the Send to Folder sub-menu to identify the target folder.
Note that Sub Folders in different sections of the tree can only contain the same data type. So if a CAD model and a Survey model are to occupy the same custom folder, they will each do so under their own main folder.
So one possible way to organise this project would be as below. Note that the Revision 3 sub Folder was the last to be created, and so becomes the Current Custom folder. This is important as it will be the default choice when trying to select data to backcloth in a Model, or to add to a Drawing, or for Volume calcs etc... We can also change the Current Folder by right-Clicking and selecting "Set as Current".
Having added these custom folders, we will take a look at any dialog that requires a Model of some sort to be picked. So because Revision 3 is the current custom folder, it is the default choice when picking a model. Here is an example of how the Backcloth dialog looks.
To select a Model that is NOT in the current custom model, click the header and it will drop down to allow either the main branch to be selected, or another custom folder. This functionality is repeated everywhere that requires a model of some kind to be selected.
Please note custom folders can be further managed or removed by right-clicking them in the Project manager.
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