Once n4ce has been installed, download Sentinel Protection Installer from the Safe-Net website if it has not already been provided.
Install the Sentinel driver on the PC you wish to host the network dongle on.
Identify either the Name or IP address of the PC hosting the network dongle.
Go to Start\Run, enter CMD, press ENTER on the HOST machine.
In the command window type Ipconfig
Note the IPv4 Address of the network adaptor that connects to the network, as this will be needed at a later stage.
On the PCs running n4ce, go to the Control Panel\System and click on Advanced System Settings. At the bottom right, press the Environment Variables button.
Under the System Variables section, find the NSP_HOST variable.
Press Edit and change the Value to the Name or IP address of the machine hosting the network dongle.
Press OK and exit out of the Control Panel.
You can now run n4ce.
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