Layers in n4ce provide the means to structure the project so that as much or as little data is shown on as few or many layers as possible. Associated with a layer are a colour, line style, text style, point style and point size. Therefore by assigning an element to a particular layer you are at the same time defining its colour, style and size etc... All Layers except the Default can be removed, and when Adding a new layer, the highlighted one is copied.
Note that these are the basic layers which are copied forward from the project when a new survey Model is created. Any changes made to the Project layer definitions afterwards will also need to be mirrored in any models which are appropriate. A feature called Assert is provided in the Layer view of a Model to bring any changes forward automatically.
Layers list
Shows all the currently defined layers in the system, by highlighting an entry you may edit its defaults.
Add layer
Press the Add button to add a new layer to the list. Having pressed this button the following dialogue box will appear.
Enter a new layer name in the field provided and press OK. You will then be returned to the main layer dialog box where you can further tailor the layer to your requirements.
Remove layer
Having selected a layer to remove press this button to delete it. You will be prompted to press Yes or No to confirm the deletion.
Layer colour
Assign a default colour to the layer. Any element then assigned the colour "Layer Colour" will use this colour.
Layer line style
Assign a default line style to the layer. Any element then assigned the line style "Layer style" will use this line style.
Layer text style
Assign a default text style to the layer. Any text then assigned the style "Layer Style" will use this text style.
Layer Fill Style
Assigns a default Fill style to the layer. Thereby, assigning a DTM group to this layer automatically assigns this fill style.
Layer Point Style
Assign a default point style to the layer. Any point then assigned the style "Layer Style" will use this point style.
Layer Point Size
Assign a default point size to the layer. Any point then assigned the size "0" will default to this point size.
Layer Description
Assigns a simple description to a layer so that its purpose can be determined by a user not familiar with the project.
Saves the current layer defaults to disk, thereby making the same defaults available to new projects.
Gives a file dialog to select a second layer.ini file to merge with the existing layers.
Translating Layers
This menu provides tools to swap layer names within the project. For instance, for the layer name Survey Points to be changed to Level Points. Not just in the list of Layers. But also in the Codetable as well. Note the changes are only committed to the Project by pressing OK. If Cancel is pressed then any changes will be lost.
The four options are...
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