The Attributes pop-up menu allows you to change various attribute points.
Graphical Attributes
The graphical attributes used by points are the colour, style and size and can be changed using the Graphical options. These options obey the current pick mode.
The Graphical Set option allows you to change the attributes of selected points to values which you define in a dialog box as shown below. The three check boxes enable you to choose which of the three attributes you wish to change and the drop boxes beside them show the value that you wish to assign to the points. After you select OK, you will be asked to indicate the points to be changed.
The Graphical Get option allows you to get the attributes from a single point. You will be asked to indicate a point and a dialog box like that shown above will be displayed. This time, the check boxes are used to identify which of the attributes you wish to get and the values in the drop boxes are the values currently assigned to the point.
Non-Graphical Attributes
The Set options allow you to apply dimensions and remarks to selected points. These options obey the current pick mode.
The Set Dimension option allows you to apply a dimension to points. When selected, the dialog box shown below will be displayed.
The Dimension field defines the name of the dimension to be applied and contains a drop list of the more common dimensions. The Value field allows you to define the value that should be applied to the dimension. After you have defined the dimension, you will be asked to indicate the points to which the dimension is to be applied.
The Set Remark option allows you to define a remark for points. When selected, a simple dialog box asking you to enter the required remark will be displayed and you should enter the remark in the edit field. Note that if any of the indicated points have a remark, this will be replaced by the value that you enter.
Matching Attributes
The Match option allows you to copy the attributes of a source point to other selected points. The attributes that can be copied are the point code, remark and dimensions. The point numbers and co-ordinates of the selected points will remain unchanged. After the source point for the attributes has been indicated, these options follow the current pick mode.
The Match All option will copy all three non-graphical dimensions defined above whilst, as its name suggests, the Match Dim & Rem option will not copy the code.
Note that both of these options will also copy any changes made to the colour, style or size of the source point.
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